Download your Facebook Albums Photos into ZIP Package

FacebookIf you have uploaded and shared many occasional photos with all your friends by creating different albums according to their characteristics than you should backup your entire collection into one zip package so that if anything goes wrong you have already created a backup for your future support. Well we have a very great website which can do your work really easily called “facebook2zip” now as the name suggest it creates zip package for your entire Facebook albums database and given you the download link so that you can easily store them where ever you wanted too.

Follow below steps :

1. Visit and Login with your Facebook account like below.

2. Now after you have logged in just make sure to allow this website to access all your albums and than you will see a page where like below where you have choose for which person you wanna download albums, you can choose yourself or enter any of your friends name and download his album. I tried using myself check below.

3. So now after you have chosen click on Next and than it will grab all the Albums name and unite them all together so you can choose which specific albums you wanna download and click on Select all the albums to download all of them together.

4. Now after you have chosen all the albums just click on next and than it will start creating your package by grabbing all the images and than making one ZIP Package like below.

5. Now as soon as its done you will get a direct link, download that and you will have one zip package containing your entire albums database from Facebook.

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