Download Tumbler Photos in Bulk with TumblRipper

tumblripper-toolIf you use Tumbler for your daily blogging use, than you might be posting lots of images on your blog to make your posts more attractive well if you wanna extract a backup of your images that Tumbler does not provide you with any such way but we found an interesting tool called “TumblRipper” for extracting images from your Tumbler Blog.

This small utility does not have much options to configure but provides you with just two options, the first one is for choosing a path where you wanna store your downloaded images and the another one is to add the URL of your Tumbler Blog.

Major Features of TumblRipper :

1. It’s a StandAlone application so no installation is required.
2. Automatically downloads all the images from your Tumbler Blog.
3. Automatically detects the non downloaded images and download that.
4. Tries to download images in resolution 500px else 400px and 300px.
5. Stores a text file for further future updates.

Download TumbleRipper Tool :

You can Download TumbleTipper Tool from their official creators website, its provided for free and is really lightweight. So enjoy using this awesome ripper for Tumbler Blogs.

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